Beyond Collection
What makes beyond gel different from Ferns Signature Collection?
Beyond is a straight hp gel, which is used in dental office settings for the QUICKEST chairside results
Can the beyond accelerator work with the gel I currently use?
Yes, chat with us on what your new time recommendations would be as it will speed up peroxide breakdown time
Can I use the beyond as a regular air purifier in my room?
If you prefer to use the BEYOND system for air purification purposes alongside other dental procedures, you are welcome to do so.
Where will my beyond light ship from?
Orders in America ship from our US warehouse, and Canadian orders ship from Canada.Yes, all duties and shipping costs are included. The only extra cost is for an optional secondary light attachment. Please note that lights may take 2-4 weeks to ship.
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Shipping rates are applied to heavy ship items such as mouthwash, disinfectant and start up packages